We always need (clean) plastic and paper grocery bags to package the food we received.

Bags can be dropped off anytime in bins on either porch.


Tuesdays, volunteers bag food for distribution.

Wednesdays, volunteers help with the distribution of food.

Delivery truck: We need drivers and assistants to load/unload the truck. Mon, Tues, and Fri.


We rely on the public for monetary donations to help with all operational expenses, like electric bills and gas for our delivery truck, as well as for much needed food items.

We are always in need of food donations! Drop off non-perishable items anytime on our porch area or loading dock.

Organizations and individuals can always hold food drives for the pantry.

Scouts or organizations needing projects, please give us a call!

If you wish to volunteer with us, you must be minimum of 15 years of age .

Special accommodations can be considered; please contact the manager.